
One Month Old and as Captivating as Ever!

It's after midnight here in Iowa and for some reason I can't sleep (which is ironic since I haven't slept more than 4 hours in a row since September 2nd). The result? A little blogging fun for you to enjoy!

Aunt Lindsay put together this little creation for our front door. It's easy to tell she's a designer isn't it?We're hoping to swap that second E out for a Y when she comes to visit this week! Yeah!

Whether we actually go or not, Gwen is ready for Halloween! This little pea pod will be scoring some sweet goodies for mommy and daddy! We're still working on her trick though...

Gwenyth has been blessed with incredible grandparents and this photo was too cute to pass up! Grandma Dawn spent 9 days with us when our little bundle of joy came. We couldn't have transitioned home and well as we did with out her! THANK YOU!

Walking through this experience has taught me a few things as well. Besides learning how to change diapers, care for someone who is wholly dependent on you, and balance being a dad with being a husband, grad student, and youth pastor, this experience has shown me how important it is to be in community with those around us. We've been blown away with more meals, babysitting, gifts, and encouragement than we ever thought was possible. The only thing better than realizing how supported and loved we are by those around us was actually getting to meet Gwen herself. She's a real peach!

The feeding is going well, the sleep is in short supply (it was overated anyway), and I honestly have fallen more in love with my wife now that our family has expanded to three.

Praise God for such an incredible gift!



Brandon Barker said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful gift! Please tell Heather that Karla and I say "hello".


brelin rismiller said...

she's an adorable little pea! :) we miss you guys, and love you tons. we can't wait to meet her!!

John said...

thanks for the follow! great green suit... that's awesome!

Holladays said...

Andy and Heather, she is beautiful! We sure do miss you. Life is not the same for high school youth and it has been difficult to keep Casey connected. Barbara is in college in California so life is different for us now too. I told the ladies at book club last week about the birth of Gwenyth. They were all excited for you both. Well take care and I'll try to sneak more peaks as you update. Love, Patti and the Holladay gang. holladaybp@comcast.net