

I really need to update this thing! Hopefully when this seminary quarter comes to an end on Friday, I'll a bit of time to start posting again.

For now, here's what is on my mind today...

Three Reasons I Love my Wife Heather!
1. She was crazy enough to say "I do" four years, two months, and 22 days ago.
2. She puts up with my extremely cheesy sense of humor.
3. She's plotting some silly birthday excursion for me right now...I can feel it!

I could go on and on, but I gotta run. What about you? What do you enjoy about my wife? I may just roll it into a birthday gift for her coming up in January!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how Heather is always ready to help out anytime, anywhere, anyplace,
I love that she is always cheerful and uplifting,
I love how sweet she is, but with a hint of steel underneath (and you know what I am talking about),
and most of all, I love what a wonderful mother she is proving to be!
You, sir, are a very lucky man, and I think it is great that you recognize that. I love you, too, by the way. :)