
We're still alive!

I know it's been quite a while since I've posted something on this silly blog and that is because we've been busy!

Here's a bit of the fun we've had in the last 30 days! I promise pics are on the way!
  • A weekend up north at the beloved McGregor Cabin. Golf, boating and Zorba's - need I say more? Minnesotans may be crazy, but they sure know how to relax on the weekend!
  • Decorating the nursery! After several hours, tough decision making and a couple trips to Lowes, the place is really shaping up! Thanks to Paul, Garret, Will, Dawn, Scott & Becca for their incredible help painting, nailing and making this project a reality! Dave Melz was brave enough to let me use his saw. I can assure you all appendages remain intact.
  • Sandbagging - maybe you heard about the flooding here. We were not affected, but many friends had water in their basements and needed help bracing for the impact.
  • A trip to St. Louis! Heather's cousin Steven married an incredible gal and of course we made the trip to celebrate. As usual Heather looked fabulous in her stunning maternity dress. What a hottie!
  • Baby Classes. Believe it or not, I now know how to change a diaper! Woohoo!
  • Work - Heather has been working like crazy to get a new Web site up and running for her work as an account manager and I spent last weekend serving in the community and fasting to raise funds and awareness to fight global poverty and homelessness.
  • Celebrating! Turns out my little bro Nick popped the question last week and is now engaged to his sweetheart Katie Craig. Needless to say, Heather and I couldn't be more excited! Katie will be an incredible addition to the family!
What have you been up to? We'd love to see some pics and hear some stories!

Hope you are well!

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