
Our kid has a place to sleep!

After a dozen hours, 7 trips to Lowes, and great help from grandpa Will, grandma Dawn and auntie Becca, the nursery is shaping up nicely! I must say the crown molding was a challenge, but well worth it! I think it turned out amazing...take a look!

Thanks for the mobile, Knabes! It's perfect!

Looking out the westward window.

Our closet to put all the baby junk in!

As I said in my previous post, we've been busy gearing up for the newest member of our family with classes, showers and this project. What the heck have you been up to?


Unknown said...

I love it! Now all it needs is a little Hermanson in the crib :)

brelin rismiller said...

the nursery looks fabulous... now lets see some photos of our ultra-prego friend and fabulous soon-to-be mommy!! :) jump on that, seriously. p.s. love the photo of marcus in his undies. glad that is displayed for all the world to see. :)