
Oh Baby!

Heather and I had our second ultrasound this past Wednesday and it was incredible! People have shown me their pictures and I've thought they were pretty amazing, but let me tell you, when you are in the room watching it on the screen, it will blow you away. We saw everything from the extremities to each of the four chambers of our little one's heart. It was amazing. But don't just take my word - here are some of the photos...

At the end of the ultrasound the technician asked if we'd like to find out the gender and we reluctantly said we would like to wait until the baby is born. I watched the screen as she identified whether we're having a boy or girl, but my eye is not trained. We're anxious to bring this person into the world regardless of their gender, but at this point, my money is on a girl.

Would you like to cast your vote? Let us know what you think it is going to be by leaving a comment! Only 19 weeks to go until we find out!


Anonymous said...

my blog is that it will be a boy

Anonymous said...

The scrawny behind makes me think it's a boy.
Luv, your favorite flower girl!

Sinister Minister said...

I think Evie Lu needs someone to have a tea party with in Iowa. I vote girl.

Kim said...

What adorable little toes! I am so excited for the three of you! Girl or boy, all I know is you are all going to be so happy!